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Loading Fluent UI System Icons

Fluent UI System Icons Clone the repository from Github in to the IconSets folder.

Run the following PowerShell script to create the Icons.csv.

# Fluent UI - 
# Create CSV for Import from GitHub Repo

$counter = 1
$setName = "fluentui-system-icons"
$file = "./fluentui-system-icons.csv"
$path = "./IconSets/fluentui-system-icons/assets/*.svg"

$icons = get-childitem -File $path -recurse
ForEach($icon in $icons){
[string]$string = Get-Content $icon.FullName
$trimmedFileName = $icon.Name.Replace("ic_fluent","").Replace(".svg","").Split("_")
$splitNumber = $trimmedFileName.Count
$objResults = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
tm_id = $counter;
tm_name = $icon.Name.Replace("ic_","").Replace("_"," ").Replace(".svg","");
tm_icon = $string.Replace("""","'");
tm_set = $setName
tm_description = $trimmedFileName[$splitNumber -1]
tm_size = $trimmedFileName[$splitNumber -2]
$objResults | Export-CSV $file -Append -NoTypeInformation -force

Upload the created icons.csv to OneDrive overwriting the existing file.

Open the Accessible Apps Kit and click on the settings icon in the top right-hand corner. Open Icon Set Admin

Add Icon Set